Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Great Story

I love a great story. Who doesn't? We all love the good old tales of life, adventures, and magic. Sometimes, we even like the bad ones, too! Why do you think the movie and the television industries are two of the biggest businesses in the world? We stack up on VHS, CDs, DVDs, TiVo, DVRs, and now there is Blue-ray, so we can have that great story-telling experience we love so much anytime we want. I guess everyone is still a kid in a grown-up body and we have not outgrown the bedtime story readings we have had when we were little.

But I also know not everyone has had the opportunity of having bedtime stories read to them. I would know, since I do not remember doing such a thing in our house while growing up. But we did read to our son when he was little, and then somehow, I grew up to love books and stories. Maybe this is why I ended taking up literature in college then I worked at a local TV station in my hometown in the Philippines. Being a news reporter was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I loved that job! For me, news reporting (on TV, radio, newspaper, and oh, may I add the world wide web!) is just one "glorified" story-telling. It is like having bedtime stories on steroids.

Whenever I was on the field gathering news and stories to share with the noontime and evening audience, all I had to do was ask questions and then listen. People usually are more than happy to talk and tell you their story. Most of the time, it was just their side of a whole new tale! It was pretty interesting to see how a story develops from almost nothing. I only had to ask the right questions, be very interested, then listen well. By the middle and end of the day, I have a plot unfolding before me and I can't wait to share it to those who were also willing to listen and watch.

Every person has his own personal story. It is amazing to see hundreds of brand new biography and autobiography books out there every year. There are memoirs, journals, recollections, confessions, narratives, etc. available at our own demand! And I do like biographical books. I love reading real stories about famous people, their ups and downs, their successes and failures, and then look who comes out to be the hero in the end! Again, it is within the whole idea of entertaining people with a great story-telling.

Since I am one of those people who love stories so much, and the whole display of adventures and misadventures, I am so glad I have my God interested with my own life story! Isn't it amazing to know that the God of the universe, the King of kings and the Lord of lords, knows my personal story ever since before its beginning, and I am completely sure He knows the rest of it, too. I wouldn't even dare say the end because He says I will live for eternity thus my story never ends! What a majestic way to create a plot, and it is my very own! 
"The LORD hath called me from the womb; from the bowels of my mother hath he made mention of my name." Isaiah 49:1(b) 

"O lord, thou hast searched me, and known me. Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off. Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, thou knowest it altogether. Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it." -Psalm 139:1-6

Everyone has a story to tell. I always tell my son the best way to gain new friends is to be interested in their story. It only depends on us if we are willing to lend an ear to every person we meet. Just take a listen around you, everyone talks. They all have a story to tell. The only question is, are you listening?

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